If you’ve followed all the training plans and you’re looking for that
extra ‘edge’ it’s tempting to seek out the ‘magic bullet’ that will take
those last few seconds off your pace.
Based near Buckingham, Russell-Price Sport and Wellness Nutrition is run by Mary and provides individually tailored consultations and nutrition solutions.
For enquiries and/or to book a free initial consultation:
Other services include group talks and sports performance testing (body composition measurements, lactate and heart rate thresholds).
What to expect
Your initial consultation will enable us to discuss your goals and to outline the type of analysis and advice that I can provide, before you need to commit to any payment.
At Russell-Price I don’t give you a universal diet sheet that’s designed to suit everyone, nor will I sell you any miracle products.
Instead we’ll work together on the analysis of your current diet and lifestyle, in order to make simple changes which will enable you to achieve your goals.
Sport Exercise Nutrition Nutritionist Buckingham Bucks Bicester Banbury Brackley Winslow